Monday, January 13, 2014




Group Projects will be on HOLD until after the documentaries.


TAKE NOTES!!! After each documentary there will be a test (100 points)

Daily Bell-Work Journal (10pt each): What did you learn? 1 paragraph minimum

These Amazing Shadows: What do the films Casablanca, Blazing Saddles, and West Side Story have in common? Besides being popular, they have also been deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant," by the Library of Congress and listed on the National Film Registry. These Amazing Shadows tells the history and importance of The Registry, a roll call of American cinema treasures that reflects the diversity of film, and indeed the American experience itself. The current list of 525 films includes selections from every genre - documentaries, home movies, Hollywood classics, avant-garde, newsreels and silent films. These Amazing Shadows reveals how American movies tell us so much about ourselves...not just what we did, but what we thought, what we felt, what we aspired to, and the lies we told ourselves.

Side by Side: Investigates the history, process and workflow of both digital and photochemical film creation. It shows what artists and filmmakers have been able to accomplish with both film and digital and how their needs and innovations have helped push filmmaking in new directions. Interviews with directors, cinematographers, colorists, scientists, engineers and artists reveal their experiences and feelings about working with film and digital. Where we are now, how we got here and what the future may bring.

NEXT: We will take a look at Film Genre

Adventure: Indiana Jones

Hero: Batman Begins 

Sci-Fi: E.T. 

Horror: JAWS

Thriller: Road to Perdition

Musical: Signing in the Rain

Comedy: O Brother Where Art Thou

Animated: Paranorman

NEXT: We will take a look at some of the BEST of the BEST

1940s: Casablanca
1950s: Rear Window
1960s: Psycho
1970s: Blazing Saddles
1980s: Back to the Future
1990s: Forest Gump
2000s: The Dark Knight
2010s: Midnight in Paris