Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tuesday, November 26

Bell Work (25pt) Go to IMDB Coming Soon movies, in a paragraph tell me what movie you would like to see? What it's about? What kind of genre is it? Who directed it? Who wrote it? Who are the lead actors?

If you didn't finish yesterdays work, get that into me ASAP!!!



Solo Project: Create a Minimalist Movie Posters of the films you selected.

Watch videos below for Illustrator support.

Logo Project: Watch Illustrator videos. When finished play around in Adobe Illustrator and turn your name into a logo.

Adobe Illustrator 


If there is any dialogue in your project there needs to be a written script!

Screenwriting Format 


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Monday, November 25

Check your class list to make sure the project you selected is correct.

Project List

Bell Work (25pts) 

Write in a WORD. Save format (firstnamelastname_bellworkdate). When done,  e-mail ( me the document for full credit.

  1. Define STORY, site your reference (ex.
  2. In a paragraph or more, how do you think story relates to film?
  3. What is your favorite movie? Why?

People in GROUP PROJECTS (25pts):

Write in a WORD. Save format (firstnamelastname_bellworkdate). When done,  e-mail me the document for full credit. Raise your hand when your done.

  1. Title of your group projects.
  2. What are each of your roles in making this projects (ex; Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Actors...) 
  3. Write a STORYLINE ex; Batman Begins

Solo Project People (25pts):

Write in a WORD. Save format (firstnamelastname_bellworkdate). When done,  e-mail me the document for full credit. Raise your hand when your done.

Research  the three films you selected and find SIX, TWO for each film, reviews from film critics. Find One good review and One bad review. Tell me why you agree with them or disagree with them. Site ALL of your references.
